Recommended Watching: Alzheimer's Los Angeles Caregiver Tips Video Series

A person taking notes while looking at their laptop screen

If your parent has Alzheimer's or dementia, the uncertainty of what new challenges will arise each day can create serious anxiety. Alzheimer's Los Angeles has just launched a ten-episode video series with Caregiver Tips. The series started on September 24 and a new video will be posted online each week, until November 26, 2019.

Currently, two videos are available. Each lasts just three or four minutes, but is full of practical tips for caregivers. The first episode focuses on Caregiver Stress. Courtney Stewart reminds viewers that they must prioritize their wellbeing to avoid burnout. She also offers useful advice on ways to get organized, recommendations for new ways to communicate with individuals with Alzheimer's, and the acknowledgment that caregivers often have to make difficult decisions on behalf of their family members.

The second episode addresses wandering and Stewart provides helpful suggestions for preventing problems from arising, such as putting an identification card in your family members purse or wallet, activating the GPS locator if they have a smartphone, and finding ways to keep loved ones active. The web page for the Wandering video also provides links to additional resources such as the "Getting Lost" tip sheet.

Although the work of caregiving will always be difficult, I found the initial videos from Alzheimer's Los Angeles to be comprehensive and reassuring. If you are just starting on the journey of caring for a family member with a memory disorder, I think these videos are a helpful resource and a good place to get familiar with the issues you may encounter. I'm looking forward to episodes three through ten in the coming weeks.

Photo Source: Unsplash